file-world illustration

Graphics for a Legal-Tech Startup

Client: Contract Wrangler
Services: Branding | Graphic Design | Illustration
Date: 2017-2018

Contract Wrangler is a legal-tech startup based in Silicon Valley, focusing on contract automation by using AI and machine learning.

These are a few graphics I created for their web and marketing efforts.

Although the Contract Wrangler target audience consists of large corporate companies (b2b), the CEO wanted our brand to be unique, and to avoid the dry corporate aesthetic.  Plus he’s a big fan of illustrations and comics.

When working with a start-up you generally get the opportunity to explore different looks as they haven’t been solidified yet, which can be exciting but also daunting.  I created these illustrations after having several talks with our CEO about how he wanted to mold the Contract Wrangler reputation.  He felt it’s important to not be taken too seriously, even though their sector is legal tech they’re still a start-up trying to stir up the traditional way of doing things.

Before arriving at this color-blocking illustrative aesthetic, I zeroed in on three different branding looks that I felt would work for Contract Wrangler. It was also an interesting time to push my design boundaries and evolve to see what I could create.